Monday 23 February 2015

Production - Sound FX & Camera Shots

Camera Shots
Here I will discuss in detail the camera shots used within context to help develop a greater organization when it comes to shooting these shots.
Shot 1:

Establishing shot of the woods and the area in which the characters are staying for the night. This is used to create the illusion that they are removed from society or a populated area, therefore creating the idea that if they are endangered it will be hard to make contact with others for help. This will also create and very tensioned atmosphere.

The Sound FX used within this shot is a wildlife buzzing. This will build on this tension and enhance the idea of the characters being alone as it will be so silent. We will try to use natural wildlife however if the camera is unable to pick up any sound of wildlife we will edit the sound in.

Shot 2-4:

Mid shots are used within the shots to first show a clear view of the camp for the audience to understand the situation. It will then be used on each individual character to show how they are feeling about the situation. Emma will be on her phone and look up then sigh, showing that she is disliking the situation, it will then show Sophia who is playing with a stick and show she is careless about the situation and is dazed in her own thought. It will then show Tim who is distracted with sorting out the fire. All of the shots will show that there is an awkward tone between the characters which will help the audience link to the idea that this is caused by their mother's death.

There will be limited Sound FX used within these shots other than the sighs of the Emma. this will help limit the distractions from the characters expression and create a naturalistic tone to the scene.

Shot 5:

Camera shake is used within this shot to put the audience within the killers situation and show a large contrast between the silence of the camp and to give a metaphoric message of the effect the killer having on the family. This also help create an enigma code as the audience will be given limited information of what is going on and who is it, only that they are approaching the camp.

A dramatic cut within the Sound FX will be used to create a jump scare when the shot cuts, this will help enhance the tension of the piece a create a more dramatic cut.

Shot 6-8:

Close up shots are used all throughout these shots. The close up shots will be off Emma and her having a emotional scene about her mother. This will help the audience become closer to her as a character as she is the main character. This will also confirm to the audience that she has lost her mother and it has effected her life for the worse.

Sound FX of string interments maybe used within these shots. This is to put empathy on the sympathy the audience should feel for her and create an emotional scene for the audience.

Shot 8-10:

Mid shots are used within these shots to help clearly show that the killer is behind Emma and also show that she is oblivious to he/she. This create jump scare and will also shock the audience. Having her alone to will help suggest that something will happen to her and create fear as the audience.

A scream for Sound FX will be used as Emma turns, this will signify danger therefore informing the audience that she is unsafe.

Shot 11-12

A close up shot to mid shot will be used within these shots to present a key point within the sequence which is when Sophia is attacked. Having a close up will clearly show that she is hurt and therefore suggesting she has been attacked, this will then tilt back into a mid shot to show the killer behind them. The scene will then cut to black. This then leaves the audience with many enigma codes and questioning what happens next. This therefore helps create an effective opening sequence as it suggests it will leave audience with many enigma codes when it cuts to black.

A loud bang/drum noise will be used within these shots when the title cuts to black, this will be used to create a sudden cut from the action therefore leaving the sequence on a cliff hanger. Therefore using the loud bang/drum will signify this.            

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