Tuesday 20 January 2015

Our Idea - The Script (Draft)

Deicida (potential title) 

Scene 1
During establishing shot shows everything is silent, creating the ambience of alone.

Shot displays characters Tim, Emma and Sophia all sat around the camp area

Tim: *Plays with fire trying to light it*
(close up shot) Emma: *Rolls eyes and sighs*

[cross cut to murderer running]

Tim: (mid shot)What? I am trying my best Emma...[Standing up] at least put your phone away while I'm talking to you.
Emma: It didn't bother Mum. [Sophia playing with stick in the back of the mid shot she seems curious] [cross cut of murderer running]
Tim: There is no need to bring that up now.
Emma: [Annoyed] You never wanna talk about it...She's gone Dad can we at least talk about that. (During the mid shot of them talking, Sophia in the background leaves the scene walking into the trees)

Scene 2

Emma: (Close up on Emma with Tim shouting in the background) Your such an asshole [Starts walking into the woods]

*Shots of Emma walking through the woods and stumbling through the woods, then cross-cuts to killer running towards noises*

Emma hears a scream, cries out "Sophia" as she turns to the sound of a scream she reveals the killer standing behind her, the killer then moves. Emma walks towards the voice of her Dad and the reveals the scene of Sophia with a bleeding wound to the head and a stick that seemed to be the source of the wound

Emma: Oh my god, how did this happen?
Tim: I thought she was with you (panicking) 
Emma: This wouldn't have happened if Mum was here.
Tim: Just call and ambulance. [To Sophia] It's okay honey hold on.

Camera tracks back to reveal the killer behind the characters [While dialogue]
Screen cuts to back to reveal the title

End of sequence


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